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The parish council has installed two Speed Indicator Devices in the village. deter fly-postingWiltshire Council has raised the amount of the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) people will have to pay if they are caught illegally advertising in Wiltshire. The penalty fine has increased to £500 from the previous amount of £75 and has been implemented following feedback from local communities reporting more incidents of fly-posting.
From Ernie Clark.Your Independent Wiltshire councillor.
....tomorrow night.The A361 will be closed between The Halve and Elizabeth Way roundabout.
Resurfacing is due to take place on the 9th August between 19.00 and 23.59.
A Parish Council 'special'.Following a meeting of Hilperton Parish Council (HPC) last night, I offered to contact my e-newsletter subscribers to advise them of two issues which you will, hopefully, be interested in.
From the Get Safe Online team.Thanks to the internet it’s easy to share about what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, your opinions, likes, dislikes, passions and interests.
News from Ernie Clark.Your Independemt Wiltshire councillor.
...Travellers Plan.Following its approval at Wiltshire Council’s Full Council meeting (Wednesday 24 July), Wiltshire’s Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan will now move to the next public consultation stage.
Blame the weather......My article dated 23rd July needs updatng....
The appointment was confirmed at full council today.Lucy Townsend was appointed as the new WC Chief Executive today.
Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.Urgent closure of: West Ashton Road (part), West Ashton.
But only for one night.The A361 will be closed between The Halve and Elizabeth Way roundabout.
The meeting has been re-scheduled.The meeting will take place on Tuesday 6th August. 7.45pm start at the village hall.
.....extended!!WC has extended the closure period for Trowbridge Road.
I'm sure you know what day it is today...Polling stations are open until 10.00pm.
It would seem that travellers are NOT involved.My thanks to a local resident who has provided the following information.
News from Ernie Clark.Your Independent Wiltshire Councillor.
A response from WC.Following the notification of a drop-kerb request for the site off Ashton Road, I contacted WC asking whether the local councillor, or the public, would be involved in the decision.
A reply from a WC enforcement officer.A parish councillor lodged an enforcement complaint with WC re the new gates which have appeared on land at the junction of Ashton Road/Hilperton Drive. lower prices via WC.Following the success of the 2022 and 2023 schemes, Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council are working in partnership with iChoosr, independent experts in group buying, to launch the third Solar Together scheme.