Ernie Clark. Hilperton Division, Wiltshire Council.

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Current NewsLetter
News articles from around the Division:

Saturday June 01, 2024 May e-newsletter.

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Wiltshire Council news.

In case you have missed the signs, Trowbridge Road will be closed (again) from next Monday (3rd June) until 5th July. There is an explanation on my web site (piece dated 29th May) of what WC is hoping to achieve.

Nothing to do with Wiltshire Council, but if you will be away for the General Election on 4th July you can apply to WC for either a postal vote or a proxy vote.

WC has announced new dates for the Local Plan. It will now go before the cabinet in early October and to full council later that month. The public inspection will presumably take place in early ’25 with the result not being known until after the WC election in May ’25.

The Chief Executive at Wiltshire Council is leaving for pastures new in Surrey. His replacement is being sought with an advertised salary just short of £200,000 a year. Nice work if you can get it.

If you have a green waste bin emptied by WC, you need to re-new your contract with them. Otherwise, your ‘green’ collection will cease at the end of June. I believe that the government has said that ‘green’ collections should be free under the new scheme announced recently. If that’s the case, it will save users £70 a year (the 24/25 fee from WC).

Please be aware, if you speed, that Wiltshire Police has had a Speed Enforcement Officer in Hilperton recently. Unlike Community Speed Watch, a SEO has different equipment and if s/he catches you, you will get an awareness course, or a fine and penalty points, or find yourself in court. Also, a SEO uses a camera which is later examined to ensure that seat belts are being worn and the driver isn’t holding a mobile phone.