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Not so much a news item, as an advert!
Tuesday January 04, 2005
'Hilperton Presents' will be staging Sleeping Beauty at Hilperton Village Hall at the end of January.
Two dates confirmed for meetings about the proposed road.
Friday December 24, 2004
Details of the WWDC planning committee meeting to discuss the Persimmon application, to build a road across the Hilperton Gap, have been confirmed. It will be held on Friday 28 January at Trowbridge Civic Hall, commencing at 7.00 pm.
In addition an informal 'closed to public' meeting of the WWDC planning committee has been called for Thursday 13 January.
Two local applications were decided.
Saturday December 11, 2004
The application for five new houses as an extension to the Newlands Homes development in Marsh Road (04/01972) was given permission, but not before I had tried to secure a commuted cash sum to help maintain the planned play area. Two of the new homes will have to be 'affordable houses'.
The application to build in Whaddon Lane (04/01686) was refused. My proposal gave four grounds ranging from highway issues to the siting of the proposed building and its relationship with the surrounding area. I was somewhat surprised when Trevor Carbin spoke against me (i.e. in favour of the new house) as we normally have very similar views on planning matters.
An exhibition of the relocation proposals will be held next week.
Wednesday December 08, 2004
Pegasus Planning Group (the company that seems to deal with all the Persimmon planning applications in this area) have announced an exhibition to be hosted by the rugby club and their agents, Caldecotte Consultants.
Three appeals have been lodged against recent planning refusals.
Wednesday December 08, 2004
Developers have, as expected, lodged appeals against three of the recent refusals handed out by the district council planning committee. Rather than work with your local councillors, and Parish Council, to find a mutually beneficial solution the developers would rather suffer the delay and cost implications of going to appeal; or are they trying to frighten the district council by dangling the spectre of costs over WWDC?
The formal planning application has now been lodged.
Saturday December 04, 2004
A planning application has been lodged with the district council. The recently signed Section 106 agreement actually removed the requirement for the pub to be provided, and so it's fair to say that there are some shenanigans going on here!
Both were considered by Hilperton planning committee last night.
Wednesday December 01, 2004
The planning committee of Hilperton Parish Council met last night. Amongst the applications considered were these two proposals.
Hilperton Parish Council to discuss new plans.
Thursday November 25, 2004
The revised plans for Blue Hills will be discussed by Hilperton Parish Council next week.
Amended plans have been submitted by developer.
Sunday November 21, 2004
The seemingly never-ending saga of housing at the Blue Hills site off of Devizes road, Hilperton rumbles on.
The club will make a presentation to Hilperton Parish Council.
Friday November 12, 2004
The agenda for the 16 November meeting of Hilperton Parish Council includes an item on the rugby club.
A four hour exhibition is planned for next week.
Friday November 12, 2004
Pegusas Planning Group will be holding a manned public exhibition.
An application is to be made to Chippenham magistrates for a licence.
Wednesday November 10, 2004
Despite there being no provision for a public house in the current 'master plan' for the local centre area, that hasn't stopped a 'speculative' application for an 'on' licence being made.
As the council won't tell us, try these for size.
Tuesday November 09, 2004
Despite putting down written questions for the full council meeting tomorrow night, WWDC is still playing the 'mushroom' game with both myself and Cllr. Oldrieve.
District Council loses patience.
Friday October 29, 2004
The appeal by Marshgate, for 'non-determination', was discussed at the WWDC planning committee last night.
Persimmon told to think again.
Friday October 29, 2004
Two planning applications by Persimmon were refused by the district council planning committee last night.
Parish Council objects to current application.
Friday October 22, 2004
At a special meeting last night Hilperton Parish Council resolved to object to details of the gap road planning application submitted by Persimmon.
17 year olds are being encouraged to register to vote.
Wednesday October 13, 2004
Young people will be making their mark during local democracy week at a series of events across Wiltshire.
How many more accidents before something is done?
Tuesday October 12, 2004
The catalogue of accidents and crashes on the new road continues to grow.
A nice surprise for the Mead primary school.
Monday October 11, 2004
Permission has been given for an un-expected start to the permanent extension needed by the school.
Some people are confused by planning issues - I wonder why?
Monday October 04, 2004
Just to give an insight into the views that are presented to the district council planning committee, the following snippets may raise a few eyebrows. They all relate to the Staverton Marina area.
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